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Articles, Chapters, Etc

Jastram, Iris. 2010. “The Age of Big Access.” ACRLog (blog). 2010.
———. 2011. “ in Libraryland.” Future Ready 365 (blog). 2011.
Jastram, Iris, and Steve Lawson. 2013. “Swimming in the Matrix: A Dialogue on Teaching Undergraduate Research.” In Finding a Public Voice: Barbara Fister as a Case Study, edited by Danielle Theiss and Diane Kovacs, 69–84. Chicago: ACRL. [Our author agreement allows us to post the text.]
Jastram, Iris, Danya Leebaw, and Heather Tompkins. 2011. “CSI(L) Carleton: Forensic Librarians and Reflective Practices.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe.
———. 2014. “Situating Information Literacy Within the Curriculum: Using a Rubric to Shape a Program.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy 14 (2): 165–86. [Our author agreement allows us to post the text.]
Jastram, Iris, and Ann Zawistoski. 2008. “Personalizing the Library via Research Consultations.” In The Desk and Beyond: Next Generation Reference Services, edited by Sara Steiner and Leslie Madden, 14–24. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Reference & Instruction Department. 2008. “Information Literacy at Carleton : Six Critical Habits of Mind.” Carleton College.
Reference & Instruction Department, Gould Library. 2008. “The Information Literacy in Student Writing Project.” Gould Library – Carleton College. 2008.
Smith, Kevin, William Cross, Laurie Kumerow, and Iris Jastram. 2010. “Developing Copyright Policy: A Guide for Liberal Arts Colleges.” Oberlin Group of Libraries and the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges.
Zhang, Jin, and Iris Jastram. 2006a. “A Study of Metadata Element Co-Occurrence.” Online Information Review 30 (4): 428–53.
———. 2006b. “A Study of the Metadata Creation Behavior of Different User Groups on the Internet.” Information Processing & Management 42 (4): 1099–1122.


Calhoun, Sarah, Melissa Eblen-Zayas, Iris Jastram, Kristin Partlo, Janet Russell, and Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe. 2018. “Perspectives on Connecting SoTL: How to Use Our Distributed Past to Create a Collaborative Future.” Poster presented at the ISSOTL, Bergen, Norway, October 26.
Calhoun, Sarah, Ardienne Falcón, Iris Jastram, Annette Nierobisz, Kristin Partlo, Mary Savina, and Ann Zawistoski. 2017. “Truth, Information Literacy, and the American Way: Assignments That Make Sense of Current Events.” presented at the LTC, Carleton, May 9.
Calhoun, Sarah, Iris Jastram, and Austin Mason. 2016. “Building a Distributed Collaborative Model for Digital Scholarship Support at Liberal Arts Institutions: A Mixed Metaphor Salad.” presented at the Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference, Macalester, June 11.
Calhoun, Sarah, Iris Jastram, Nikki Melville, Annette Nierobisz, Emily Oliver, and Kristin Partlo. 2018. “Public-Facing Student Scholarship in Your Classroom.” presented at the LTC, Carleton, November 6.
Calhoun, Sarah, Iris Jastram, and Kristin Partlo. 2016. “Learning from Success: Approaching Data Management in the Humanities with Optimism and Good Cheer.” presented at the Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference, Macalester, June 11.
Hulseberg, Anna, Iris Jastram, Heather Tompkins, and Michelle Twait. 2014. “Studying the Second Year: College Sophomores, Research Behavior, and Information Communication.” Panel Presentation presented at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, October.
Jastram, Iris. 2006. “The Catalog of the Future.” Invited Keynote Panel presented at the MN-IUG Spring Meeting, St. Olaf, June 1.
———. 2007. “BIGWIG Social Software Showcase: Introducing Meebo Rooms.” presented at the American Library Association, Washington, D.C.
———. 2008. “When in Rome, Be Your Roman Self.” Academic Librarian 2.0 Preconference Workshop presented at the Internet Librarian, Monterey CA, October 19.
———. 2009a. “Information Literacy for A&I Seminars.” Carleton, December 6.
———. 2009b. “Social Online Tools.” Panel Presentation presented at the Campus Staff Retreat, Carleton, December 6.
———. 2013. “USE-MAN! Copyright Basics for Academic Contexts.” Invited Presentation presented at the Copyright for Digital Humanities, Carleton, May.
———. 2014. “Locations of Literacy: Information Literacy (Plenary Panel Presentation).” presented at the MnWE, Normandale Community College.
———. 2017. “[Citation Needed]: Disciplinary Citation Styles, Discourse, and Why Students Care.” Pre-conference Lightning Talk presented at the ARLD Day, Maplewood, MN, April 27.
Jastram, Iris, and Aaron Albertson. 2009. “Changing Paradigms: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning.” Workshop presented at the MnObe Ref Mini-Immersion, Gustavus, August.
Jastram, Iris, and Danya Leebaw. 2017. “Framing Up Information Literacy in Student Writing.” Preconference Presentation presented at the ARLD Day, Maplewood, MN, April 27.
Jastram, Iris, Danya Leebaw, and Heather Tompkins. 2011. “Rubrics, Research Practices, and Student Writing.” Invited Workshop presented at the State Your Case Symposium, St. Olaf, April.
Jastram, Iris, and Austin Mason. 2016. “Day of DH.” Organizer presented at the Day of DH, Carleton, May 2.
Jastram, Iris, and Kristin Partlo. 2015. “Emergency Planning for Safe Learning Environments: Simple, Sustainable Solutions for Complex Times.” Preconference Workshop presented at the ACRL, Portland, March.
———. 2017. “Information Literacy at Carleton.” presented at the New Faculty Winter Workshop, Carleton, November 29.
Jastram, Iris, Jason N. Paul, and Rachel Wiess. 2014. “The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy: What Does It Mean for Instruction Librarians?” presented at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, October.
Jastram, Iris, Celeste Sharpe, George Shuffelton, and Mija Van der Wege. 2019. “Academic Reading in the Digital Age.” presented at the LTC Lunch, Carleton College, April 30.
Jastram, Iris, and Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe. 2018. “Public-Facing Student Scholarship in Your Classroom.” presented at the Future of Publishing Series, Carleton, February 1.
Jastram, Iris, George Shuffelton, and Heather Tompkins. 2008. “He Said, She Said: Teaching Citation and Academic Honesty to Today’s Students.” presented at the LTC, Carleton, May 1.
Jastram, Iris, and Jason Spartz. 2018. “Collaborations Across Teams.” presented at the MN-IT, St. Olaf, July 31.
Jastram, Iris, and Heather Tompkins. 2015a. “Brewing up New Flavors of Assessment: Using Student Writing as Artifacts of Learning.” Invited Preconference Workshop presented at the LOEX, Denver, April.
———. 2015b. “Information Literacy, Rubrics, and Writing.” Invited Workshop, Oregon State University, August 18.
Jastram, Iris, Heather Tompkins, Kristin Partlo, and LeAnn Suchy. 2007. “Social Networking and the Library.” presented at the MnObe Reference, Macalester, February 22.

This page last updated September 2019

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