As I mentioned earlier, last week was a busy one in part because I was busy presenting at the Minnesota Library Association’s annual conference last week. It was a blast! The audiences were participatory and I learned a lot from my co-presenters in each presentation. What fun.
“The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy: What does it mean for instruction librarians?”
Presented by Iris Jastram (Carleton), Jason Paul (St. Olaf), and Rachel Weiss (Augustana), this presentation updated instruction librarians on the new (draft) Framework for Information Literacy from ACRL.
“Studying the Second Year: College Sophomores, Research Behavior, and Information Communication.”
Presented by Anna Hulseberg (Gustavus), Iris Jastram (Carleton), Heather Tompkins (Carleton), and Michelle Twait (Gustavus). this presentation combined Carleton’s Information Literacy in Student Writing project with Gustavus’ mixed methods study of sophomore research practices.