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And suddenly, it’s 2009, this time with resolutions

2008 wasn’t the best year. I’m pretty pleased to see it go, and I want to do all I can to ensure that 2009 will be better. I’ve even come up with a couple of resolutions to help guide 2009 along. This is not normal for me, so I’m kind of testing the resolution waters here. But hey, it’s worth a try and certainly can’t hurt anything. So here they are, personal and professional, in no particular order:

  • Continue my quest to be really good at my job. I love my job and therefore want to make the most of it. This past year I’ve been in a bit of a holding pattern, but I’m hoping I can break free of that soon.
  • Carve out more time to read and study. These activities used to be a regular part of my life, but they’ve really fallen by the wayside recently and I miss them.
  • Remember to appreciate my friends and not take their friendship for granted. I’m so lucky that I have friends that inspire me, that I want to emulate, that push me to think about things in new ways, that pick me up when I’m down, that put up with me when I’m annoying, and that let me help them however I can when they need it.
  • Get our federated search product up and running, even if it kills me.
  • Rediscover my love for cooking, and act on it more often.

Happy New Year, everyone. May you never lack for an internet connection when you want one, always find a friendly ear when you need to say something, and be pushed far enough to do your best yet not so far that you fail.

Published inRandom Thoughts