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Every year, the Dean of the College sends a small note of appreciation to each academic staff member on the anniversary of the day they started working here. It’s a sentence or two on letter-head note paper, signed by the Dean, and expressing appreciation for that staff member’s work over the past year.

And by all reasonable standards, this shouldn’t be something to get so excited about. And yet, as my anniversary approached I found myself looking forward to getting that note. It’s funny how such a small thing can be so heartwarming.

Of course, it helps that I really like our Dean. He interviewed me before I came and has always done and said those small things that make me feel he actually knows and cares that I exist. But beyond that, I enjoy being part of an organization that takes even a small amount of time to pat people on the back and thank them for working hard. It really is the small things that make a difference.

Published inCarleton