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Month: January 2007

Tax Refunds for All

I just learned that the IRS is offering a one-time refund for the long-distance telephone tax you may have paid over the last three years. All you need to know should be here.

And now back to your regularly scheduled library jabber.

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The Poor Rep Didn’t Know What He Was In For

We had a rep from a major database vendor come and talk to us all afternoon on Friday. All I can say is, I feel like I’ve just been window shopping at Prada. I don’t know anything about our budget, but I’m pretty sure we saw enough wonderful databases and full text collections to blow our entire database budget several times over. Of course, it was all beyond wonderful… but wow… I think we all got database envy for at least two of the tools we saw.

Anyway, at one point the poor guy was showing us a free add-on to something we already have. Free. Got that? Well, we spent probably 20 minutes grilling him on how it works, why they made it, what it would do for us that another product we have doesn’t do, why they made it work the way they did rather than another way, and discussing our theory of student usage of databases… All for a free add-on. The poor guy.

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Yet Another Service Librarians Can Offer: Translation

Run, don’t walk, to Dorothea Salo’s translation of the AAP/PSP statement regarding their PR campaign against Open Access publishing.

My favorite translation, exerpted from Dorothea’s post:

AAP/PSP: It’s unfortunate that reporters picked up on some early proposals that were not adopted and, regrettably, the Nature article has misrepresented what’s really going on.

Dorothea’s Translation: We really, really regret having been caught red-handed. We can’t possibly explain, because there isn’t actually an honest explanation that doesn’t make us look worse, and we can’t be dishonest because we haven’t yet found the leak we’ve obviously got, and so we’ll just get caught again.

Thank you Dorothea. Your service is greatly appreciated.

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Frosty Windows

Frosty Windows
Originally uploaded by Pegasus Librarian.

I was nearly late for my morning activities this morning because I took a few minutes to take picture after picture of the frost on my windows. It’s several degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) with a healthy wind chill, but the sun is sparkling through sheets of ice crystals.

Sounds like a good day to light a fire, snuggle up in some blankets, make cocoa, and read a good book while listening to some good music. Unfortunately, I’ll be doing a bunch of reading for work, I don’t have a fireplace, and I’ve had a headache all day… but the blankets, cocoa, and music I can do.

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