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Of Socks and Writing

For the past three days I’ve been attending one of the many December workshops offered by faculty for faculty on our campus. This particular workshop was put on by our Writing Across the Curriculum program and was a fabulous opportunity to learn more about what good pedagogy looks like, think carefully about what we want our students to get out of their college experience, and get to know faculty from all over the curriculum. I don’t directly teach writing, but I do support those who do, and I almost never get three days in which to talk over the underlying goals of writing assignments with my faculty. What fun!

But everyone always looks forward to the last day of the workshop because on that day the Dean of the College presides over the annual outrageous sock contest. And this year… I WON! Last year I was deemed “almost tasteful” and was therefore disqualified. This year my fur-lined santa socks earned me a Sock Monkey grand prize.

Published inOutside the LibraryTeaching and Learning