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Month: July 2007

Outing Myself

Well, I finally decided to put a link to my blog from my professional web site. I’d been laboring under the delusion that taking this step would send students flooding to my blog where they would read things like “Wow, I really dropped the ball on that class.” Surely you can understand why that might make me pause. But then I realized that students only visit my calendar page. They don’t care what committees I’m on, or the presentations I’ve given, or the papers I’ve written. So I buried the link at the very bottom of that boring page.

Which begs the question, why link at all if I put it in a place that nobody is likely to see? The short answer is, I don’t know. I guess now I can pretend to myself that I’m not hiding this little project from the people I work with every day. But really nothing has changed.

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Firefox Search Plugins for All

One of my co-workers has started experimenting with custom search plugins for Firefox. So far she has several ready to go, and they’re listed on her site. Searching our catalog and A to Z list right from the browser are my two favorites.

She made these using, which apparently makes creation, editing, and other maintenance of plugins pretty easy.

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Blogging, Public or Private?

Sarah Ford is doing research on bloggers’ attitudes about what is public and what is private online. Here’s what she says:

That’s right, the survey is officially live as of ten minutes or so ago. If you’re a “personal blogger”, please fill it out, and pass it on to your friends.

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